1. I can't imagine enjoying any profession as much as public child welfare. 
2. I intend to remain in child welfare as my long-term professional career.
3. I would remain employed in public child welfare even though I might be offered a position with a higher salary. 
4. I believe the personal and professional benefits outweigh the difficulties and frustrations of working in public child welfare. 
5. I am not not actively seeking employment outside the field of public child welfare. 
6. I am enthusiastic about working in public child welfare. 
7. My personal success in working with clients will be an important factor in determining whether I will remain employed in child welfare. 
8. Even though career and promotional opportunities in public welfare are somewhat limited, I remain strongly committed to a long-term career in public child welfare. 
9. Even though many Children's Division clients live in disadvantaged and/or dangerous neighborhoods, I am willing to make home visits using my own automobile. 
10. As a child welfare professional, I believe I can have a positive and long-lasting influence on children and families in need. 
11. I am committed to working in public child welfare even though it requires a considerable amount of time (20-40%) to complete required paperwork and case documentation. 
12. I am willing to be on call for work during evenings and on weekends if necessary, even though overtime pay is generally not allowed. 
13. I am the kind of person that can handle a lot of ongoing stress and unpredictable situations and work environments like those in public child welfare. 
14. I believe I currently have the educational background, personal experiences, and abilities to be successful as public child welfare professional. 
15. I would continue to work in public child welfare even if I did not need the money.