Online Invoicing FAQs


NOTE: For a basic walkthrough of the application, you can find the Tutorial here.

Log In

Q. What if I cannot remember my User Name?

Your User Name is your email address or the email address you used to register for the online invoicing application.  If you do not know the email address you registered, contact the FACES Help Desk at (800) 392-8725 or (573) 751-3811, option 5, to obtain User Name information.

Q. What if I cannot remember my Password?

If you cannot remember your password click “Forgot My Password” on the Log In page.  You will be forwarded to a page that prompts you to enter your User Name (Email address) and click Submit.  When you have entered a valid User Name, the Identity Confirmation page will display the Security Question you selected during registration and prompt you to enter the answer to the Security Question and Submit.  When you have entered the correct answer to the Security Question, you will receive a message, “Your password has been sent to you.”  You will receive an email from with the Subject FACES Online Invoicing: Password Reset.  The email message will contain a generic password you will use to log in to your Online Invoicing account.  Once you have logged in with the generic password, it is recommended you change your password immediately, in the User Account Maintenance screen.

Q. What if I cannot remember my Security Question?

If you do not know the security question you selected when registering for online invoicing and you need to reset your password, contact the FACES Help Desk at (800) 392-8725 or (573) 751-3811, option 5, for technical assistance.

Q. What if I cannot remember the answer to my Security Question?

If you do not know the answer to the security question you selected when registering for online invoicing and you need to reset your password, contact the FACES Help Desk at (800) 392-8725 or (573) 751-3811, option 5, for technical assistance.

Q. What if I am a sub-user and I am unable to access my account because I do not know the Password, the Security Question, and/or the Security Question answer?

If you are a sub-user and you do not know the password and/or the security question/answer information, contact the master account administrator within your organization.


Q. Who do I contact if I do not have a PIN number?

If you have been associated to a master DVN, contact the administrator of the master DVN.  If you are the master or you are not associated to any other DVNs, contact the FACES Help Desk at (800) 392-8725 or (573) 751-3811, option 5.

Q. What if I have lost my PIN number?

Contact the FACES Help Desk at (800) 392-8725 or (573) 751-3811.  Choose Option 5 when prompted.

Q. What if I do not have a User Name?

Your User Name is your email address or an email address you will use to register for the online invoicing application.  It is suggested you use a general email account, not a personal email account.

Note: Only one email address can be attached to a DVN.  The User Name (Email Address) can only be used for one account.  Once a User Name has been identified, that User Name will remain the User Name as long as the business is utilizing this Online Invoicing Application.  A User Name will not be changed, even if the email address changes.

Q. Why won’t the Online Invoicing registration accept my User Name (Email Address)?

Your User Name has to be a valid email address.  The user name must follow email address standards.  The screen will verify the user name has an @ symbol with text before and after it.  There must also be a period (.) after the @ symbol to be a valid email address (ex: ).

Note: Only one email address can be attached to a DVN.  The User Name (Email Address) can only be used for one account.  Once a User Name has been identified, that User Name will remain the User Name as long as the business is utilizing this Online Invoicing Application.  A User Name will not be changed, even if the email address changes.

Q. Why won’t the Online Invoicing registration accept my Password?

Your password must be at least 8 characters in length and include at least one special character, other than numeric and alphabetic characters.  If the password doesn't meet the requirements, an error message will display.  Verify the password meets thestated requirements.  If the password meets the requirements and you still are unable to register, contact the FACES Help Desk at (800) 392-8725 or (573) 751-3811, option 5, for technical assistance.

Q. What happens after I enter a user name, enter a password, select a security question, answer the security question, and click Create User?

A message will appear saying your account has been created, but first you have to verify your account from your email.  You will need to go to your email, find the email from , with the subject, FACES Online Invoicing: Account Verification.  Find the verification URL link and click on it.  This link will verify your account.  Once your account has been verified, you will be redirected to the Login page.  On the Login page, enter your user ID and password, then click Login.  If you login correctly, you should be redirected to the FACES Online Invoicing Home Page.  You will also receive a second email from , with the message, “You have successfully created and verified your user account for the Missouri Department of Social Services Children's Division Online Invoice Portal.”

Q. Why don’t I have the ability to add other users to the account?

The user who created the initial account, with the DVN and PIN, would be the “master” user and the only user with access to add users (sub-users) to the account.  If you are the master user for your facility and you do not have the ability to add sub-users, contact the FACES Help Desk at (800) 392-8725 or (573) 751-3811, option 5, for technical assistance.

Home Page

Q. How can I change my password and/or my email address?

To make changes to your online invoicing account, once you have logged in to your account successfully, click User Account Maintenance in the bottom left corner of the Home Page.  You will be able to change your password and/or your email address.

Note: Only one email address can be attached to a DVN.  The User Name (Email Address) can only be used for one account.  Once a User Name has been identified, that User Name will remain the User Name as long as the business is utilizing this Online Invoicing Application.  A User Name will not be changed, even if the email address changes.

Q. How can I sort items on the Home Page to find specific items and/or DCNs?

You can sort items on the Home Page by entering specific Search Criteria.  See the Online Invoicing Tutorial, Home Page, Search Criteria section, for details on searching for specific items/DCNs.

Q. How do I add Sub-Users to my Online Invoicing account?

You can add sub-users to the account by clicking the Manage Sub-User Accounts in the right corner of the Home Page.

Q. Why is there no authorization letter available for a client I have been providing service to, and have been billing for, in previous months?

If you are new to online invoicing and have already received a paper authorization letter, you will not be able to view the authorization letter online.  Only authorizations entered after you registered for online invoicing will be viewable online.  You will no longer receive paper authorization letters.  If you are not new to online invoicing and have provided service to a client without receiving an authorization letter and/or invoice, contact the client’s service worker.

Q. Why is there no invoice available for a client I have provided service to?

If you have provided service to a client without receiving an authorization letter and/or invoice, contact the client’s service worker.

Q. What does each status of the Authorization Letter mean?

The status of a Authorization letter can be one of two types. The status determines in which section the letter is located.

Not Reviewed – This status will show on an Authorization Letter when a new letter is available, but has not been reviewed by the user. Authorization Letters with a status of Not Reviewed will only be listed under New and Pending Items.
Reviewed – This status will show on an Authorization Letter when a user has opened an Authorization Letter.  The status of Reviewed will only be listed under Past and Completed Items.

Q. What does each status of the Invoice mean?

The status of an invoice could be in the New and Pending section or the Past and Completed section, at different times in the invoice approval process.

Pending Input – A status of Pending Input indicates the invoice is ready for the user to input units to be submitted for review for payment approval.
Pending CD Approval – A status of Pending CD Approval indicates an invoice has been submitted and is now awaiting review by Children’s Division staff for payment approval or denial.
Denied by CD – A status of Denied by CD indicates an invoice has been submitted, but has been denied payment approval.  The user should be able to review the invoice for the denial reason.
Approved by CD – A status of Approved by CD indicates the invoice has been reviewed and given approval for payment on the next payroll.  This does not mean that the payment is guaranteed.  The approved line items will have to pass system edits during the payroll process to validate payment.
Partially Paid – A status of Partially Paid indicates the invoice has been partially approved for payment and a payment has been processed through the Children’s Division’s payroll.  An invoice with open line items and a status of Partially Paid can have open line items submitted until all line items have been submitted and/or processed.
Invoice Paid – A status of Invoice Paid indicates the invoice has been paid in full and no further submission for payment approval is allowed.
Processed – A status of Processed indicates the invoice has been zeroed out by the user and nothing has been submitted for payment approval.  No further action is allowed on the invoice.

Invoice Entry

Q. Why can’t I update/enter on an invoice with a status of Pending Input?

If the invoice was issued as a paper invoice, you will not be able to update or bill online for services provided.  Only invoices issued after you registered for online invoicing are available to update/bill online.  Invoices issued as paper invoices are available online for viewing only.
If you are a sub-user and you have only been granted inquiry access, you have not been granted access to update an invoice.  Contact your organization’s master user for more information.
If the invoice has been issued after you have registered as an online provider and you are not a sub-user with only inquiry access, please contact the FACES Help Desk at (800) 392-8725 or (573) 751-3811, option 5, for technical assistance.

Q. Why can’t I click One Unit Per Day and have all boxes populate?

The One Unit Per Day button is for clients authorized for service for the service month.  Children’s Treatment Services are not authorized for the service month, therefore the One Unit Per Day button is disabled.

Q. Why am I required to input a note for invoiced units over the number of units authorized?

For payment approval to be considered for units invoiced over the max authorized, you will need to provide a valid explanation as to why you provided more units of service than authorized.  A note must be entered to successfully submit the invoice.

Q. Why am I required to input a note for 10 units invoiced if I am authorized to provide 2 units of service per week and I have not gone over the authorized amount?

The FACES system identifies 2 units per week as 8 units or 4 weeks per month.  There are times when there are 5 weeks of service provided.  You will need to enter a note regarding the 5th week of service, to explain the 10 units invoiced.

Q. What if I can’t get my documents to upload?

Contact the FACES Help Desk at (800) 392-8725 or (573) 751-3811, option 5, for technical assistance.

Q. What if I uploaded the wrong document and I need to retrieve it or delete it from the invoice?

Once a document has been uploaded, you cannot retrieve it or delete it from the invoice.  However, you can add additional documents for supporting documentation.

Q. What if I uploaded a document and need to view it to determine if I uploaded the correct document?

Once a document has been uploaded, you will not be able to view the document.  If you are concerned you uploaded an incorrect document, you can upload the correct document, in addition to the document you are unsure of.