The files below are in xlsx format and are only compatible with Excel 2007 or newer respectively. The MO HealthNet Price Key and Prior Authorization Key files are in xdoc format and are only compatible with MS Word 2007 or newer. In both cases, Libre Office and Open Office equivalence may also be used.

Provider TypeExcel Provider TypeExcel
Ambulance xlsx  Optical Services xlsx
Anesthesia - Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist / Anesthesiologist Assistant xlsx  Other Medical xlsx
Anesthesia - General xlsx  Other Services xlsx
Anesthesia - Supervision of Anesthetists xlsx  Outpatient Hospital -- Effective with dates of service on or after July 1, 2024, in-state federally-deemed critical access hospitals (CAHs) and nominal charge hospitals will receive a policy adjustor of an additional forty percent (40%) applied to the OSFS fee for each billed procedure code covered by MHD xlsx
C-STAR xlsx  Podiatry xlsx
Community Psychiatric Rehabilitation xlsx  Radiology - Professional and Technical Component X-Ray / Nuclear Medicine / EEG / EKG xlsx
Dental Services xlsx  Radiology - Professional Component: X-Ray / Nuclear Medicine / EEG / EKG xlsx
DME Purchase xlsx  Radiology - Technical Component: X-Ray / Nuclear Medicine / EEG / EKG xlsx
DME Rental xlsx  Rehabilitation Center xlsx
DME Repair xlsx  Surgery - Assistant Surgery xlsx
EPSDT Other Services xlsx  Surgery - Postoperative Services xlsx
Hearing Aid and Audiology Services xlsx  Surgery - Without Postoperative Services xlsx
Independent Lab - Professional and Technical Component xlsx  Surgery and Epidurals xlsx
Independent Lab - Professional Component xlsx  Hospitals 2022xlsx
Independent Lab - Technical Component xlsx  Hospitals 2023xlsx
Medical Services xlsx  Hospitals 2024xlsx
Nurse/Midwife xlsx  Hospitals 2025xlsx
MO HealthNet Price Key - All Above Files
Prior Authorization Key - All Above Files

Provider Files Updated 03/03/2025