Please attach your application and additional documents.

Instructions for Submission and Upload

To submit an application with required documents:
  1. Click the “Browse\Choose file” button.
  2. A pop up box will appear. From the pop up box, select the file you want to attach and click the “Open” button. Only files with the extensions .tif .tiff .png .jpg .pdf .doc .docx .xlsx .xls and .txt may be uploaded.
  3. The name of the file that you selected will appear in the field next to the “Browse\Choose file” button.
  4. Repeat instructions 1 – 3 until you have attached all your additional documents.
  5. Click the “Upload/Submit” button to process your online application and attachments.

After clicking “Upload/Submit”, please refrain from clicking anywhere within the browser until the upload has completed. Upload time may vary, depending on the size of files and speed of internet connection. High speed internet connections will allow for much faster uploads than dial-up connections.

Fields marked with (*) are required.

If you have problems uploading any of your attachments, please send email to